Blued Trees is an opera challenging ecocide.

It is about massacring the environment, and generational conflict.

Conception of the Blued Trees

The Blued Trees opera emerged as a continuation of Aviva Rahmani’s copyrighted continental scale forest symphonic composition which she initiated in 2015. Read more here. She witnessed a salvo in the most dramatic story of our times: the impunity of ecocide, when a corporation massacred her tree-notes, destroying her art to install their natural gas pipelines. After a 2018 mock trial for her legal suit, she took five years to assemble the performance team and realize her narrative vision. The opera preview was created in just three feverish months and was first performed in summer 2023.

Rehearsal and Staging

Open Rehearsal - the Final Rehearsal Before the Performance the Following Day. August 25th, 2023, 8pm, Soapbox Gallery, 636 Dean Street, Brooklyn, NY.

Final review of staging elements for the August 25 and 26 open rehearsal and performance of Blued Trees at the Soapbox Gallery, NYC.


To view the full Performance video please contact Aviva Rahmani - - for the password to access the video on Vimeo here.

Opera Performance - Audience Discussion about Ecocide and the Environment

August 26th, 2023, 8pm, Soapbox Gallery, 636 Dean Street, Brooklyn, NY

The Human Drama

Blued Trees opera is about ecocide and generational conflict brings together the human element of ecocide, the people and their decisions. Within the human drama is a court trial of the pipeline company executive being tried for his destruction, massacre, of trees, to build the pipeline.